A Good News Christmas Message from President Johnson

Good News!
As we prepare to celebrate the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ who took on human flesh that he might live, die, and rise again to save lost humanity; we have an extraordinary opportunity to give to Christ’s Mission to seek and save the lost.
To spread the Good News of salvation in Christ alone, our Lord saw fit to give himself to us, as he gathers us around Word and Sacrament ministry.
The newest congregation in the Southern District, Absolution Lutheran Church, Denham Springs, LA was started to provide God’s people with Word and Sacrament, and to share the hope we are given through Christ to others.
You can help provide a Christmas Miracle!
Absolution Lutheran Church’s building lease ends December 31, 2024. They have purchased a residential building which they are working hard to renovate to use as a house of worship where they can gather around Christ and his good Gospel gifts.
Pastor Mike Gibney put up his own money to purchase this building, and he and his sons are doing the bulk of the renovations to save the church money. Repairs to the building and removal of trees surrounding the building have added unforeseen expenses that the congregation simply does not have the means to afford at this time.
If there is anything you or your congregation can do to help out
Absolution Lutheran Church at this time, it would be most appreciated.
The Southern District Office is taking up a special offering to help Absolution Lutheran Church. You can give via check through the Southern District Office, 100 Mission Dr. Slidell, LA. 70460. Mark in Memo: Absolution. 100% of funds collected will go directly to them.
I pray your Christmas Celebration of Jesus Christ IS Blessed of the Lord!!!
Your Servant in Christ’s Mission,
Rev. Eric Johnson President, LCMS Southern District
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
Luke 2: 11-12 NIV