Revelation Sermon Series–Week 11 Preview
The Lamb and the 144,000
Chapter 13 concludes with a call to be wise to the devil’s scams and attempts to wreck the Christian’s faith. Chapter 14, as we have seen three other times already in Revelation, jumps ahead to the end in order to assure us that the devil will not be victorious over the Church. The chapter opens with the Lamb standing victorious on Mt. Zion, leading all those who had His seal on their foreheads and trusted Him (Rev. 7:1-3; 14:1), rather than accept the mark of the beast. This is the end of the war between Satan and God, the Church and evil. Even though it looked like Satan’s plan to defeat the Church with his two beasts would be victorious, three angels come onto the scene announcing the defeat of the dragon (the fall of Babylon) as they take the final call to repent and believe out over the world (Rev. 14:6-11), as well as a call to the saints to endure and keep the commandments and faith in Jesus (Rev. 14:12). Following this, Christ returns (the Parousia), the battle is over without even a fight (the dragon and his beasts can’t touch Jesus), and final judgment and eternal punishment are meted out.
This Week’s Verses: Psalm 45, Revelation 14, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
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