Revelation Sermon Series–Week 12 Preview

The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath

Having revealed that the devil’s plans to destroy the Church ends in defeat, the Revelation story once again rewinds and turns to the third and final take on the end of the end of the world. This time through, the focus is on God’s hand of judgment. 

The vision in chapters 15 and 16 consists of the seven bowls of God’s wrath being poured out. The scene opens to a vision of the battlefield as seen from heaven. Not surprisingly, it’s obvious that those in heaven are at peace. There is no risk that the war is going to be lost. This is why everyone breaks out singing the “Song of the Lamb.”

The first five bowls are then seen being poured out at the same time. As with all the other takes of the end, the period of time is from Jesus’ ascension all the way up to the battle of Armageddon. The language used to describe the bowls of wrath is very similar to the language used to describe the plagues of Egypt. The fourth and fifth plagues are God’s final warning and call to repentance. Sadly, the followers of the beast only curse God and refuse to repent.

The sixth bowl then describes how the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet then gather their troops and make ready for the battle of Armageddon, which takes place right before the end of this world (paralleled in Rev. 12:13-17; 20:7-10). Surprisingly, the battle never occurs. The seventh bowl is abruptly poured out and Jesus simply says, “It is done!” and it is over. The enemies of God are powerless to fight the Almighty. Christ has returned (the Parousia) in justice to make all things new.

In the golf metaphor, this would be the flyover to the green showing how God has made sure the ball is going to make it to the hole… and it does.

This Week’s Verses: Exodus 7:14-24, Ezekiel 39:1-8, Psalm 98, Revelation 15-16, Matthew 24:36-44

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