Revelation Sermon Series–Week 13 Preview
The Fall of Babylon
Having now seen the third and final take of the end of the world (Rev. 15-16), chapters 17:1-22:6 function much like an epilogue where all the loose ends are nicely wrapped up. In this final vision, John now gets answers to the questions like: What happens to the unholy trinity? What happens to the earth? And, What does eternity look like? Chapters 17 and 18 answer the first question concerning the judgment and destruction of the devil’s beast of the sea (the political beast) and beast of the earth (the false prophet).
The political beast of the sea, throughout the book of Revelation, is simply referred to as the “beast.” The beast of the earth, however, goes by many different names in order to help us understand what it is up to. In chapter 13, we’re told that the beast of the earth appears like a lamb but speaks like a dragon (Rev. 13:11). By chapter 16, further clarification is made and the beast of the sea is referred to as a “false prophet,” promising salvation not from Jesus but from the political beast. Now in these later chapters, the “false prophet” is referred to as “the great prostitute” (Rev. 17:1, 5, 17-16; 19:2) because of its mass appeal to sinful man.
The false prophet / prostitute is nothing more than a pseudo-Christianity and false church. This is the work of the Antichrist. No doubt, the prostitute has been very successful at creating a false church. Unfortunately, the false church is only going to grow in strength as it appeals to the world, because the beast is given the authority to control the nations for one hour (Rev. 17:12, further explained in Rev. 20:7-10) and to do battle against the Lamb.
However, before all hope is lost, in what can only be described as a surprise twist God turns the beast against the prostitute. The Lamb is “Lord of lords and King of kings” (Rev. 17:14). Babylon falls and the saints rejoice. Chapter 18 records the world’s shock as Babylon (representing both the beast and the prostitute) falls. The followers of the beast and prostitute go into mourning because they realize their ride is over.
This Week’s Verses: Isaiah 21:1-10 & 47:1-15, Psalm 1, Rev. 17-18, John 8:31-38
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