Revelation Sermon Series–Week 17 Preview

The Great White Throne of Judgment

In this vision, John sees the final judgment. On the one hand, it is a terrible vision. The dead (believers and unbelievers) have been resurrected and now stand before the Judge. The Judge proceeds to go through the official records, books upon books, recounting every work that was ever done. Nothing is hidden from the Judge. Those who do not live up to God’s righteous standard and have even one sin in the books are condemned by their very works and thrown into the lake of fire with Death and Hades. This is the second death, eternal condemnation (the first death is actually birth, because everyone is condemned by original sin – hence, the need for a first resurrection, Baptism).

However, don’t miss that there is also the book of life. This is the book that has the names of the believers in it. Notice there is no mention of judgment on the believers. Why? Jesus has already been judged in their place. They have no place in the lake of fire.

This Week’s Verses: Daniel 12:1-13, Psalm 50, Rev. 20:11-15, Matthew 25:31-46

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