Revelation Sermon Series–Week 18 Preview

The New Heaven and the New Earth

Chapter 21 moves us into the final vision that looks beyond the millennium to heaven. After the resurrection of the dead and judgment (Rev. 20), God is going to make “all things new” so that He might dwell with His children forever and ever. All of this, of course, is only possible because Jesus conquered sin, death, and the devil so that the Baptized might “have this heritage, and I will be their God and they will be my sons and daughters” (Rev. 21:7).
Interestingly enough, what John sees though is not what most people are anticipating about heaven. Most people think of heaven as some place “up there” where we are going to live for eternity. However, what John sees is the creation of “a new heaven” and also of “a new earth,” followed by “a new Jerusalem,” the Church, descending down from heaven to earth. This is what creation was originally created to be and is now groaning for (Rom. 8:22), Paradise restored.
In the new Eden, God will once again have a real intimate relationship with His people. In fact, it will be even better than He had with Adam and Eve, because He will always be present (Rev. 21:3). From then on, we will drink “from the spring of the water of life” (Rev. 21:6) and there will be no “mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4). No place for the wicked will be found (Rev. 21:8).

This Week’s Verses: Isaiah 65:17-25, Psalm 46, Rev. 21:1-8, John 1:1-14

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