Revelation Sermon Series–Week 20 Preview

The River of Life

In chapter 22, another angel shows John even more details about the Lord’s eternal care for the city of God, His Church. In this vision, John sees more clearly how the new earth resembles the Garden of Eden. The first thing John sees in the new Eden is “the river of the water of life,” the very “living water” that Jesus gives (John 4:10-14), flowing from the throne of God and running through the city. Then John notices “the tree of life,” which produces unending fruit, and how even the leaves of the tree are for “healing of the nations.” In other words, there will never again be sin, sickness, or death in Paradise, nor any possibility of it ever coming in. God will provide everything we need for eternal life in the new Eden. The “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2:9) has passed away forever.
But perhaps the most striking detail of the new Eden is that “his servants will worship him” (Rev. 22:3). The implication of this verse is that in the new Eden, we will, like in the first Eden, be entrusted with the care of Creation (Gen. 2:15). Except it will not be work as we know work today. Rather, it will be an act of “worship.” We will recognize that everything we have is a gift from God and will in turn thank, praise, and worship Him in everything we do.

This Week’s Verses: Ezekiel 47:1-12, Psalm 36, Rev. 22:1-5, John 4:7-15

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