Revelation Sermon Series–Week 8 Preview
The seven seals vision of the end times concludes with the opening of the seventh seal and a Sabbath rest to soak in the glory of God’s salvation (Rev. 8:1). Immediately following this, John sees a second vision, “take,” of the end times consisting of seven angels with seven trumpets.
The first four trumpets bring upheavals in nature, reminiscent of the plagues that struck Egypt. The last three trumpets transition from natural calamities to the demonic. These three trumpets are the woes (Rev. 8:13). The fifth trumpet reveals Satan. The sixth, the Last Battle Armageddon.
As in the seven seals being opened vision, there is also an interlude in the seven trumpets between six and seven. The interlude in the seals was to bring comfort and hope. The interlude here, which consists of two scenes, is to show God’s hand of protection over the Church in mission. In the first scene (Rev. 10:1-11), John is commissioned to proclaim the prophetic word to all the world. In the second scene (Rev. 11:1-13), John is shown the church militant and how God is protecting it as it too carries the prophetic word to all the world.
However, the Church will suffer at the completion of her mission (Rev. 11:7) with the death of the two witnesses under the hand of the beast (Satan). More details about this scene are given at Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16) and the battle of Gog and Magog (Rev. 20:7-10). But in the end, death is no obstacle for the Church militant.
The seventh trumpet blows now and ushers in the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, who shall reign forever and ever (Rev. 11:15). It’s designated the third woe because there is no longer any hope for the pagan nations. It’s over.
In summary, take 2 of the end of this world reveals what’s going on supernaturally. In the last days when the devil is turned loose, it is important to note that the devil is restrained. He is not free to do anything that God has not permitted. Hence, the ultimate purpose of the end time judgment is God’s purpose and it’s to move people to repentance (Rev. 9:20-21). God does this through the Church militant. God will protect the Church in mission so that the message gets out.
In the golf metaphor, this would be like looking at the screen and seeing the opposing wind currents, gusts, et al that the ball is going to encounter. Same event as take 1, but the demonic has now been revealed.
This Week’s Verses: Joel 2:1-11, Psalm 46, Revelation 8:1-11:19, Mark 13:14-23
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