Revelation sermon series-Week 9 preview

Chapter 11, like chapter 7, ends with this beautiful picture of all the resurrected saints gathered together in the throne room of God for the first day of life eternal. Chapters 12–14, however, do not immediately go into the third and final “take” of the end times, but instead dig a little more deeply into the second “take” and the spiritual battle that is raging right now. In a sense, these chapters are like an “Apocalyptic footnote” in which John gives us the background and the tactics the devil is using in his war against heaven, as well as the impact it is having on the Church. 

The scene depicted in chapter 12 is that of the woman with Child (Christ Jesus). The dragon (Satan) attempts to devour the Child, but the Child is taken to heaven and Satan attacks heaven. Satan is defeated and cast from God’s heavenly presence. However, the devil knows his time is short (Rev. 12:12), so he is attacking the Church, “everyone who keeps the commandments of God and holds to the testimony of Jesus” (Rev. 12:17), with everything he can throw at them. However, he is not able to break the Church. Throughout it is obvious that God is not standing idly by. He is actively protecting and nourishing His Church (Rev. 12:6, 14).

This Week’s Verses: Genesis 3:9-16, Psalm 37, Revelation 12, Matthew 2:13-18

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