Who is a Trinity Voter?
Trinity’s Constitution and Bylaws require the following to be a voting member:
- At least 18 years of age
- Be a communicant member of Trinity as defined in our Constitution, Article IV,B.
- Read and sign Trinity’s Constitution and Bylaws
- Be approved by the voters at a regular Voters Assembly (commonly referred to as a Voters Meeting)
Once approved, a voting member has the responsibilty to attend Voters Meetings and vote. If a voting member does not attend Voters Meetings for a full year without an excused absence*, the voter becomes ineligible to vote. Voting rights may be reinstated by re-applying for voting membership as specified above. Bylaws, Article II, B
How to Become a Voter
Any member who meets the first two criteria above may apply to the Secretary of the congregation for voting membership at least 30 days prior to a regular Voters Meeting. Bylaws, Article I, B This can be done by emailing secretary@tlcbr.org to notify him or her of your intent to apply for voting membership and commitment to read the Constitution and Bylaws. Regular Voters Meetings are generally held in early June and early December of each year.
What if I’ve been accepted at a Voters Meeting but have not attended in more than a year?
You may re-apply for voting membership by emailing secretary@tlcbr.org declaring your desire to be reinstated and commitment to read the Constitution and Bylaws.
What if I know I cannot attend the next Voters Meeting?
Email secretary@tlcbr.org and let him or her know why* you will be unable to attend the meeting.
What if I was unable to attend the last Voters Meeting?
Email secretary@tlcbr.org and let him or her know why* you were unable to attend the meeting.
*Our church documents do not explicitly define a valid excuse. Thus, the Secretary of the Board will excuse any absences at his or her discretion. It is important to provide the reason for your absence as soon as possible.
If you have any additional questions, please email secretary@tlcbr.org.